How to Center Text in After Effects | Quick Shortcut
Alignments are known to be the key factor for creating any design. While creating static design or an animated video we need to make our design properly aligned.
It is noticed that alignment of text on the design relates to our eyes focus perspective. Oh, don’t get confused. Let me explain to you what I want to say.
For example, Lets consider an example of this Post:

What did you read first?
I guess the text on the top center. Comment please, if i am mistaken. But if seems that center aligned texts are more noticeable for eyes rather then side ones.
Now, lets come to our main topic. In After Effects while creating your video design you need to get stick to alignment for better readability and engagement.
Lets move forward with step to step guide on how you can center the text in Adobe After Effects.
Step No. 1
You have to create a text layer to make it aligned on center. Right click in Adobe After Effects composition panel to create a new text layer or select the type tool option from tool bar menu.

Step No. 2
Type your text in the composition whatever you want to write, So you can align that text layer in center.

Step No. 3
Select the text layer you have written and go to layer menu at the top. Go to transform option and select “Center Anchor Point in Layer Content”. In that way you can make the anchor point of text layer to the center, So positioning the text will be done accordingly.

Step No. 4
As you have centered the anchor point already, Now go to window menu at the top bar and select “Align”. By selecting align window you’ll get all the alignment options from where you are going to center the text.

Step No. 5
Here you have 2 options for center alignments. One is to align the text vertically and other is to align the text horizontally.
By clicking on both options you’ll align the text horizontally and vertically in the center of canvas/composition.

Step No. 6
Now your text is aligned in the center of the composition, and you want something more center?
What’s that???
Let me tell you.
Your text is center aligned to the composition but not center aligned to itself. What’s that mean?
It means its still shows left aligned paragraph text. Just follow me for few more steps to get it all done in the center.
Go to window menu at the top bar and select “Paragraph” window.

Step No. 7
As you can see, left aligned option is selected by default. Click on the center align option and your text is center aligned now.

Now lets talk about the most exciting thing in designing, “The Shortcut keys”
No doubt shortcut keys are life savers while you are in rush of creating or animating videos. Clicking menus, viewing lists and selecting options are quite time consuming. Surely you need to fasten up the process to increase productivity. So here I am sharing the complete list of shortcut keys to center the text in Adobe After Effects.
“T” for selecting type tool.
For transforming the anchor point to center:
In Windows > “Ctrl+Alt+Home”
In Mac > “Command+Option+Home”
For aligning the text to center:
In Windows > “Ctrl+Home”
In Mac > “Command+Home”
Alternate Options:
You have some more alternate options to align your text according to your requirements. Here you have some examples:

I have designed a button by creating one shape layer and one text layer. Now select both layers and make them aligned both horizontally and vertically center.

I have created background layer and parented the learn more text layer with button shape layers.
If you have no idea about parenting, please stay connected for more informative articles. May be we will talk about parenting soon in the upcoming articles.
Now select both button layer and background layer and play with the alignment options. You can see, now you can align the button left right or bottom of the composition as you think it looks cool.
I don’t want to stretch it more. I hope you got the idea of aligning text to center in Adobe After Effects.
Final Thoughts
We have discussed complete overview for alignment of text to center in Adobe After Effects. You have got the exciting shortcut keys to align the text that will help both window and mac users. I hope these tricks will help you in your upcoming Adobe After Effect projects. Stay connected for more informative articles.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I center scale the text in After Effects?
In order to scale the text in center, Firstly you need to center the anchor point for that text layer. You can use the shortcut key to center the anchor point of text layer:
In Windows > “Ctrl+Alt+Home”
In Mac > “Command+Option+Home”
Now open the scale layer properties using shortcut key “S”. You can play with the properties to scale the text. By default it shows 100,100. First 100 is for horizontal scale and second one is for vertical scale.How to animate text alignment in After Effects?
You can easily animate text alignment in After Effects following some simple steps. Select the text layer and open the alignment properties by clicking the alignment option. Now press shortcut key “P” for position and click stopwatch. Set the time for animation and click the alignment option(Left,Righ,Top,Bottom). You can see your text alignment is animating.